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love is love - LGBTQ


It takes sunshine and rain to make a rainbow, and who doesn’t love a rainbow after rain

What is Love?
It isn’t easy to define love because everyone’s perception of real love can be dramatically different. 

However, love can be summarized as an intense feeling of euphoria and deep affection for someone or something. This love definition or love meaning might only encompass some of the emotions that comprise how you feel when you are in love. 

Is love an emotion?

True love is a unique and passionate bond that connects you as a couple that wants the best for the other person regardless of what that means for them.

If you want to define in one sentence, love is one of the most profound emotions humans’ experiences. It is a combination of attraction and closeness. The person we feel attracted to or close to is the person we are usually in love with.            
Such a person can be a friend, parent, sibling, or even our pet. Such love is based on a feeling of attraction or affection.

What is LGBTQIA+?

LGBTQIA+ is an abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, and more. These terms are used to describe a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.
Lesbian is a noun and adjective for a woman whose enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction is to other women. Some lesbians may prefer to identify as gay or as gay women.

Gay is a person who is emotionally, romantically or sexually attracted to members of the same gender.

Bisexual is a person who can form enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attractions to those of the same gender or more than one gender. People may experience this attraction in differing ways and degrees over their lifetime. They are someone who are attracted to more than one gender.

Transgender is a term for people whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from what is typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth. People under the transgender umbrella may describe themselves using one or more of a wide variety of terms— including transgender or nonbinary.

Queer is an adjective used by some people whose sexual orientation is not exclusively heterosexual or straight. This umbrella term includes people who have nonbinary, gender-fluid, or gender nonconforming identities. Once considered a pejorative term, queer has been reclaimed by some LGBTQIA+ people to describe themselves.

Questioning Sometimes, when the Q is seen at the end of LGBT, it can also mean questioning. This term describes someone who is questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Intersex is an adjective used to describe a person with one or more innate sex characteristics, including genitals, internal reproductive organs, and chromosomes, that fall outside of traditional conceptions of male or female bodies.
Do not confuse having an intersex trait with being transgender. Intersex people are assigned a sex at birth — either male or female — and that decision by medical providers and parents may not match the gender identity of the child.

Asexual is a sexual orientation characterized by a lack of sexual attraction, but it doesn’t rule out romantic attraction.

Pansexual is an adjective for those who are attracted to all types of people, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation.

+Plus is used to signify all of the gender identities and sexual orientations that letters and words cannot yet fully describe.

Homosexuality in India

In India, homosexuality is legally permitted, but same-sex unions have not been recognized yet.
On 24 August 2017, India’s Supreme Court gave the country’s LGBT community the freedom to safely express their sexual orientation. Therefore, an individual’s sexual orientation is protected under the country’s Right to Privacy law.

Same-sex couples mainly find acceptance in bigger cities, such as Mumbai, Delhi etc.
Smaller towns and villages rarely discuss queerness and related issues. “It’s difficult for family members to accept their own children when they come out as queer.

The families’ love for their children is conditional to the point that you subscribe to cisgender heterosexual norms. The moment you transgress those norms, there is a problem.

In fact, pressure to be heterosexual has been so high that parents have been known to send children to therapy or priests etc. to “correct” their sexual orientation.

Despite this centuries-old cultural tradition, conservative attitudes concerning homosexuality persist across India’s communities.

Public conversation of homosexuality in India has been restrained by the way that sexuality in any structure is infrequently talked about transparently. Lately, notwithstanding, perspectives towards homosexuality have moved marginally.

India is among nations with a social component of a third sexual orientation. Mental, physical, enthusiastic and financial savagery against the LGBT people group in India keeps on being an issue. Lacking help from family, society or police, numerous gay assault casualties don’t report the violations.

Love in LGBTQIA+

Love in this community has always had the added sheen of shame. Still pondering on the question- Why?
Love sees no gender, race or religion and its never by choice.

A woman loving another woman, man loving another man, non-binary person loving another enby/man/woman is no different from women loving men (I.e heterosexuality).
Homophobic and/or Ill-informed people have believed that heterosexual love is the only form of “real, normal, pure” love. They have tried to say that love between two women, two men or non-binary people is: wrong, disease, imagination, a sin and what not.

“Love is love.”
Love isn’t a sin, isn’t wrong, isn’t impure, isn’t a phase. Love isn’t a disease or mental instability.
Whether it’s between a man and a woman, or two women, or two men, or a woman and a non binary person, or a man and non-binary person, or two non-binary people… or just. Any two humans!!!!!!
Love is beyond these trivial differences of gender or sex or sexualities or romantic or sexual orientations. 

Love is love; this purified, polite phrase unleashed across all merchandise and marketing during the Pride Month.

Love is Love is phrase meaning that the love expressed by an individual or couple is valid regardless of the sexual orientation or gender identity of their lover or partner.

Love is love, no matter what type of adversity we’re going to face, we’re going to be together. This movement is one of unity. It just seems like generation after generation, we have to fight the same oppression. Love in LGBTQ is just like any other love, it should not be oppressed just because its not how other people love.

It’s an experience, it’s a drive, it’s everything. And I think it should pretty much rule the world. I think love comes in all forms, not just heterosexual. I think that is pretty amazing.

Love our LGBTQ+ Family and Friends

Before we can build relationships with people within the LGBTQ+ community, we need to be aware of their unique struggles as they navigate faith and culture. While most of us struggle with sexual sin, same-sex attraction has different challenges because of the social stigma attached to homosexuality and the lack of our understanding of how and when our sexual identity forms.

One of the best ways to love our LGBTQ+ friends is to meet people where they are on their journey and allow each person to be themselves around us. We need to recognize each individual as a real person with real struggles and real hurts.
We need to create spaces where our LGBTQ+ friends feel loved and secure; spaces where everyone can be themselves and talk about their lives and their struggles; spaces where they can experience empathy and compassion. 

We need to make room for our LGBTQ+ friends in our groups and social circles. And we need to create loving community without alienating the LGBTQ+ community.

Tragedies for Sexual Shaming

So many tragedies in this world happen because of sexual shaming of people who are sexually non-conforming.
 Depending on where you are, that could be a lesbian, gay, bisexual, a trans kid. That could be a girl who has sex before marriage. That could be somebody who gets pregnant and is not offered the option to have an abortion, whose parents consider her pregnancy to be punishment for what she did. Sexual shaming never turns out well. 

It never gives rise to love. And if you love your child, you should not shame them sexually. You should watch out for them, you should show them what’s shame, and you should help them to make wholesome decisions. But never, ever shame them.

The one’s in love can break any Barrier……

Love a four-letter word

Love. A four-letter word with an infinite meaning. Human abused love they took it for granted and they interpreted it the way that suits their egos and lusts. 

A fact check, love is mercurial. The more we think we have finally understood love, the more we are incognizant about it. Due to this fact we can never measure love. If we keep on fighting one Love, we are never going to know love. People are just empty vessels that needs to be filled with love. The earlier we understand, the better lives we live

Extending Support to LGBTQ

If you want to support the wellbeing of your LGBTQ team members, it’s important to be an active ally. That means being vocal and participating in public shows of support. This can include volunteering at an organization that supports LGBTQ causes.

It’s equally important to recognize and address potentially offensive language from others. It’s common for derogatory comments to be passed off as a joke in casual conversation. Should this occur, make it clear this type of language can be hurtful and is not welcome in the future. While these can be more difficult conversations, they are essential to building a culture of mutual respect.

Extending Support to LGBTQ+ Employees

Workplace discrimination is still a problem for LGBTQ workforce,

HR professionals, managers, executives, and other workplace allies have the power to help improve the wellbeing of diverse employees—including those who identify as LGBTQ.

– One should educate themselves as well as others about the community.

– Be affirming, respectful, and practice active listening. By just listening and being supportive, you show you care. 
This goes back to educating yourself and making an effort to learn more, thereby creating a culture in your workplace that feels safe for your LGBTQ co-workers to be themselves.

– Ensure that your hiring practices are inclusive and that you actively seek out LGBTQ professionals

-Authentic representation is a simple, effective way to build a more inclusive work environment. Go beyond showing LGBTQ community members during Pride Month and extend that visibility year-round.
It’s also important to make sure your representation is authentic and avoids tokenism or stereotypes.

We at ‘The Karan ’

We believe that LGBTQ+ is no separate community but a part of our own. We wholeheartedly extend our love and support to the community.

Love is beyond any of the stereotypes. If we keep waiting for people’s validation on LGBTQ, we are asking to validate the existence, but we believe no one in this world has that right.

We proclaim that sex and gender don’t matter; all that matters is that two people love each other. Nothing should stand in their way if they have love in their hearts. 

………………………………. You are like a rainbow and that’s awesome……………………………….