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Nov 12
Positive thinking


“Keep your face always towards the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you.”

Keeping a positive outlook is one of the hardest things individuals struggle with nowadays. We are at a moment of great change, and we are inundated every day with tales that touch us and undermine our faith in human decency. We unconsciously find solace in the thought, “At least it didn’t happen to me, right? ”


Positive thought has incredible power. In fact, it almost seems too fantastic to be true that your thoughts may alter your reality. Positive energy will begin to draw you if you start thinking positively. The truth is that individuals have a pleasant mindset inside of them. That individual always considers the good, and more importantly, that person makes an effort to see the positive in every circumstance.


The mind functions as a reservoir, and we must learn how to supply this reservoir. Optimism is a form of imparting value to ordinary experiences; it is fundamentally an attributive style. You gradually begin to attract what you want when you consider and express your desires every day. Your brain actually releases endorphins, the happiness hormone, when you think about something that delights you. Endorphins give you a generalized sensation of well-being, and as a result, you build a positive attitude.


There’s no particular mantra for being optimistic. The magic depends on you! Being cheerful always, even though circumstances aren’t ideal, and channeling your anger successfully, instead of whining about the things or issues not being in your favor, are a few ways to be more positive and joyful.  In the process, you might discover what “thankfulness” or gratitude is.

Being thankful and appreciative is being grateful for every single item in your life. You will always discover it if you are seeking anything positive or helpful in a person or circumstance. rather than being angry and pointing the finger at someone else. Decide now to start learning how to think positively and to have a positive outlook on life, other people, and yourself.


  1. Start by getting rid of negative expressions from your speech, such as “I can’t,” “I always give up,” and “I am,” among others. You could have caught yourself declaring, “I am lazy,” for instance. The phrase “Today I did not achieve as much as I wanted to” is a better approach to thinking about it. I’ll prepare a list for tomorrow so I can finish everything!
  2. At all costs, aim to avoid complaining. Try to see the situation as a constructive challenge rather than a bad one if you are dealing with a particularly challenging customer. This will enable you to maintain your positive attitude and assist the client in the most efficient manner possible.
  3. By keeping a journal of all the happy moments in your day, big or small, you may teach your brain to be more optimistic. Write it down in your diary if you helped an NGO feel less stressed. Take a photo or make a note of any really lovely gardens you come across. Record the highlights of any productive conversations you have with your team. By doing this, you’ll teach your mind to pay attention to the good things in your environment.
  4. Ensure that you maintain an open mind to learning about and exercising optimism. Even if it is difficult, you can overcome negativity by working hard and being diligent.


Always search for the silver lining or the hopeful takeaway from certain occurrences. Try to replace encouraging mantras with your negative thoughts. Additionally, being around optimistic individuals and reading inspirational books or phrases might help you become more positive. If we have the confidence to follow them, all of our dreams can come true. Finally, remember to think positively and thank your lucky stars.