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Moon’s Radiance On The Festival Of Colors

Spring has arrived, and it’s time to organize your home. This full moon has a fertile, sensuous vitality that will ignite our creativity and might even motivate us to desire to strengthen our relationships with others. In India, the vernal equinox, or the first day of spring, is usually accompanied by the Hindu celebration of Holi, also known as the festival of colours, which serves as a release for the winter’s pent-up emotions. People fling brilliantly coloured paint powder or gulal and douse each other with buckets of coloured water in a frenzied display of delight at home and on the streets to celebrate the day at its fullest.

Vasanta Purnima, is the full moon day that falls on Holi this year. The devotees customarily maintain a day-long fast on this day. Days with a full moon are very lucky for doing pujas and other rituals that draw riches and plenty. Purnima Vrat is observed by devotees, and Satyanarayan Puja on this day is said to bring wealth, health, and happinessPurnima Puja is viewed as a means of giving thanks to God. Also, it aids in reaching both physical and emotional well-being. When there are special events, people do this Puja. This Puja is performed on special occasions and before religious ceremonies.

We could do well to start our own Holi fires on this full moon and toss any unresolved issues into the flames. Now is a great time to evaluate our connections with friends, family, and coworkers. Ask yourself whether you’ve been holding grudges from the past or spending too much time and effort on friendships that fall short of your expectations. There is a lot of productive and innovative energy present during this full moon, which is observed in India as the wild and energetic celebration of Holi. 

 >>> The heightened energy on this phase of the moon brings more opportunities for celebration and outreach. Moreover, your psychic talents may be more alert, so pay particular attention to anything you intuitively desire to let go of or relinquish. The day before, the day of, and the day following the full moon can all be used to commemorate its vitality.

>>>  Everything is fully illuminated, so this is a good moment to be very honest about what is and is not working for you. The heightened energy also brings more opportunities for celebration and outreach. Your psychic abilities may be more awake—so listen closely to what you intuitively want to shed, let go of, and release. 

 >>>  It also brings happier prospects for you. The moon’s full illumination is a good idea to retreat and recharge. If you tend to be always on the go, you could naturally lean into this phase, but you might also need to make an effort to set aside some time to halt. 

 >>>  Following the full moon’s vibrant radiance, you can mellow, let go and release. In order to be ready to sow new seeds or care for those that require tending as the moon moves closer to the new moon once more, this is a good phase to reflect on and consider what is coming to an end.

 >>>  By practising Holika Puja during Holi, it is said that all forms of negativity and anxiety can be conquered. Holika Puja brings authority, fortune, and success. Holika Dahan is a ceremony that takes place before Holi. The sacred pyre is ignited, signifying the triumph of virtue over evil and simulating the victory of faithful followers.

Seize the opportunity and give yourself the freedom to explore your creative side while thinking about what actually brings you joy. This full moon’s divine light will shine on our shadow self, releasing us from ties or contracts that may have been restricting us and encouraging us to broaden our perspectives on what is possible. Let the full moon’s enchanting power bring happiness, joy, prosperity and abundance into our lives with the festival of colours.