Getting turned down for a visa when you want to study or work abroad can be a big problem. It's not just a setback; it's a tough challenge. Visas can get denied because of tricky rules, money worries, safety concerns, and choices made by officials. These rejections can make your dreams go away, make money tight, keep you far from loved ones, and make life in another place hard. It’s important to apply properly according to the visa rules for that particular country to get the fairer decision. 'The Karan' can help you with visa problems through healing for work visa issues.
Feeling upset due to your visa being rejected? 'The Karan' is here to help through student visa counseling and work visa-related issues using spiritual healing. The process of counseling and healing can make a big difference in helping you feel better when your visa application is denied. 'The Karan' can help you understand why your visa got turned down and give you advice based on that. Also, the healing part can make you feel more positive. 'The Karan' works on making good cosmic energies help you and get rid of bad vibes. This makes you think in a better way and makes your mind feel better, so you can stop worrying about visa problems. 'The Karan' provides counseling for study abroad and also helps when your study or work visa application is refused. It uses a special approach that looks at how your energy is balanced and helps fix it to make things fall in your favor. It's like making your inside feelings balanced again. By doing this, 'The Karan' helps remove the bad feelings and problems that stop you from getting study and work visas. But before you start working with 'The Karan,' it's a good idea to book a reading session first.